Transforming Hoof Care

We improve equine hooves to maximize performance, using natural barefoot principles and innovative techniques.


Improving Equine Hooves for Optimal Performance

At 3D HoofCare, we are dedicated to enhancing the quality of equine hooves. Our cutting-edge trimming protocols, modern materials, and innovative hoof pads and horseshoes help horses maintain healthy hooves, allowing them to perform at their best.


At 3D HoofCare, we believe in using natural barefoot as a reference for optimal hoof health. Our approach combines the best trimming protocols, modern materials and techniques, innovative hoof pads, and traditional horseshoes. We prioritize maintaining healthy hooves that share the load effectively. Our e-commerce platform offers high-quality products for the well-being and success of horses.

Innovative Solutions for Traditional Peripheral Load Shoeing Issues

Traditional peripheral load shoeing can cause heel pain and hinder equine performance. 3D HoofCare offers innovative solutions to address these issues.

Heel Pain

Peripheral load shoeing without frog support can lead to heel pain and performance problems.

Equine Performance

3D HoofCare helps maximize equine performance by addressing issues with traditional shoeing methods.

A render of a horse hoof and horse shoe with a Full Mesh Pad and insert in-between.
A render of a horse hoof and horse shoe with a Full Mesh Pad and insert in-between.

Innovative Research and Development for Maintaining Healthy Equine Hooves

At 3D HoofCare, we are dedicated to improving the quality of equine hooves through our extensive research and development efforts. By utilizing modern materials and techniques, we aim to provide the best solutions for maintaining healthy hooves and maximizing the performance of equine athletes.


Utilizing modern materials and techniques to maintain healthy equine hooves is our top priority.

Innovative Solutions

Our research and development efforts focus on providing innovative solutions for healthy equine hooves.


Revolutionary Hoof Pads for Equine Athletes

Our innovated hoof pads provide superior load sharing and support for equine athletes, ensuring optimal performance and minimizing heel pain associated with peripheral load shoeing. Designed with the horse's natural bare foot as our reference point, our trimming protocols, modern materials, and techniques work in harmony with the hoof pads to maintain a healthy hoof. Experience the difference with 3D HoofCare.

Proven and tested all around the world

Farriers with extensive experience from around the world have had the privilege of witnessing the exceptional results of our products.

Here are some examples where our products have played a crucial role in nursing horses back to health and restoring them to their former glory, even in critical conditions.

Customer's horse wearing the Ed Eclipse pad.
Customer's horse wearing the Pink Universal Half Mesh pad.
Customer's horse wearing the Universal Half Mesh pad.
Customer's horse wearing the Ed Eclipse pad.
Customer's horse wearing the Ed Eclipse pad.
Customer's horse wearing the Ed Eclipse pad.
Customer's horse wearing the Pink Universal Half Mesh pad.
Customer's horse wearing the Ed Eclipse pad.
Customer's horse wearing the Universal Half Mesh pad.
Customer's horse wearing the EasyShoe horseshoe.
Customer's horse wearing the Universal Half Mesh pad.
Customer's horse wearing the Ed Eclipse pad.

Meet the farrier who started it all

Derek Poupard is the owner and inventor of 3D HoofCare and HoofCast. Having spent most of his career ambitiously trying to improve the quality of a horse's hoof, his latest efforts have shown positive results in a very short time frame.

Derek's hard work and dedication paid off when he was honored with induction into the prestigious International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame in 2024.

Derek started a barefoot program in Dubai on racehorses with compromised feet. The results and performance of this program was astounding with horses in this program going on to win multiple Derby’s, Breeders Cups and Classic Grade 1 races including Horse of the Year in 2021.

Through the use of learning and incorporating the latest technologies of CAD designing and then 3D printing prototypes to perfect and create the line of 3D HoofCare pads we see today, the goal was to emulate the horse hoof in its natural state of being barefoot.

With the use of his products, horses around the world are able to reach their full potential in a way that's never been seen before.

Derek Poupard holding up an EasyShoe next to horse
Derek Poupard preparing to apply a 3D pad to a horse's hoof.
Derek Poupard standing next to a horse that recently had a 3D pad and horseshoe applied.
Derek Poupard standing next to two Godolphin trainers.
Derek Poupard standing next to a racehorse that won a race while wearing a 3D pad.
Derek Poupard standing next to a horse that recently had a 3D pad and horseshoe applied.

Trusted by top equestrian professionals around the globe